Monday 30 August 2010

The curse of the drunk hug.

As stated in a previous blog entry I'm definately not the biggest fan of going clubbing and I must say a major put off is the drunk hug

I hate walking aimlessly around a club with the sickly feeling that you're going to bump into someone you know and lets face it dont want to see and to make matters even worse I turn, catch eye contact with someone, pretend I havent noticed them but until I've had time to sip on my stolen drink suddenly... "CHARLIE!!!!"

I'm not gonna lie when I'm pulled face over boob with pits dripping on me,  my mouth filled with sweaty hair whilst a freak wardrobe incident occurs, frankly, I feel violated. When is that even acceptable? I think I'd prefer to be happy slapped. And its like you're not even excited to see me, I hated you at school/college/that party we went to and I most certainly don't like you now.

I understand that going to a shit night club getting pissed on overpriced drinks is the highlight of your week and possibly the most rebellious thing you'll ever do in your life but there is no excuse to act like a retarded over friendly ape. 

After the initial "did you really just do that?" moment comes the awkward conversation. So your gonna pounce at me like a wild animal without even having anything to say? Seriously what the fuck.

Im starting to sound like a total cunt now, Im really not! Its nice speaking to people (sometimes) but I propose just a good old fashioned "hello" otherwise next time, girlfriend's gonna get maced.

Peace. X

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