Take Rihanna for example, everyone thinks shes cutting edge and has a wicked sense of style but do you really think she would turn from ghetto fabulous pop princess to crazy bride of Frankenstein-esque punk within the space of an album? Well unless a punch from Chris Brown somehow moved her fashion brain cells into place basically Rihanna got a fucking sick new stylist.

I can tell you now if she was a nobody, she hadn't released pon de replay or she was in a metal band the girls that bum her and run around shaving their hair off to look like her would think shes a complete freak.
And Cheryl Cole, wikipedia may refer to her as a "style icon" but straight up, if there wasn't a wardrobe department on the X factor she'd turn up in a Kappa track suit and some nice Elizabeth Duke jewellery from Argos every day. I think everyone's to busy rimming her and her "fantastic taste in fashion" to remember that shes just some sket that won a competition and beat up a cleaner in a toilet!
I know at the end of the day its only clothes, and lets face it pop stars are just mannequins to shift records and make $$$ it just annoys me that people like Rihanna get so much credit for her dress sense being so ground breaking and rebellious dressing the way she does. To me, a true style icon wether it be someone wearing just jeans and a t-shirt or even an Oscar de la renta evening gown are people who at the end of the day have the balls to look like and be nobody but themselves.
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