The minute our parents see our penis or 'gina our whole lives are subconsciously preset before us. Since the minute we're born its drilled into our head that pink is for girls, blue is for boys. Boys play with toy cars, girls play with barbies. At the end of the day its become the norm for us now but who the fuck decided who should have what!? Why IS pink for girls? There's actually no solid excuse as to why. When people have kids they find out the gender of the baby because their worried about naming it, what colour to paint the kids walls, what clothes to put it in. Why does it even fucking matter?
At a very young age I always wanted girls things, barbies, my little ponies, playing with make up and jewellery but that was just me, I didnt even know what it all meant but I just remember it being wrong and not being the same as other boys. I realise now this is probably a lot to do with my sexuality and my interest in fashion but I just think its so wrong to feel like a complete weirdo at such a young age just because I wasn't into normal boys things. I feel like I missed out on a lot playing with my sisters toys and not really liking any of the cars or action men I had.
Yeah yeah, your probably laughing right now but that is exactly is my fucking point, why does it even matter? And yeah, its embarasing but it shouldnt be because at the end of the day that's me, thats the way I was born, I have no control over this. At the end of the day its just things, colours and styles of clothing.
There are countless groups, councillers and doctors out there for "gender confused" people. I reckon that the only people that are gender confused are the people that are so fucking scared of stepping their foot over a line they drew themselves that they need to reinstall the fear and the barriers between male and female.
People that are born in the wrong gender are known as "transgender", maybe if gender was just as much as an issue as eye colour or body shape there would be no need to be gender confused. Gender dysphoria is supposedly a psychological illness, its funny how an operation on your genitals can cure a mental health problem! Or is it not simply because their cured or because now they have a vagina it's socially acceptable for them to wear a dress and heels? At the end of the day if it wasn't for gender assignment in the first place they wouldn't have to have their penis turned inside out to feel worthy of being their true self's.
Am I the only person that has noticed that lesbians that shave their heads, wear trousers and shirts and suits instead of dresses are just lesbians where as gay men that walk around in dresses and heels are known as transvestites? What is the actual difference! And why can girls get away with so much more then men?
"Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots, because its alright to be a boy, but for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, because you think that being a girl is degrading." - Madonna.
Women have done such an amazing job of liberating themselves. 100 years ago girls couldn't show their ankles, their hair or any individuality at all now look at all the things they can get away with now! Its time for boys to do the same theres no need to feel restricted by jeans and a t-shirt standing up for who you are is the most important thing and Im not saying "lets start an army of boys in dresses" because I really dont want this post to seem that literal, but dressing like yourself without being worried about gender is so important to me.
This is no coming out as a transexual post it just really fucks me off how people feel they have no choice in certain things just because of other peoples insecurities and prejudices. Gender is so black and white (like most things in life) but that leaves absolutely no space for grey areas and at the end of the day life IS a grey area. Look closer.

There is so much gender assignment in our environment nowadays. Think about birthday cards, girls ones have shoes, chocolate, cats and "fabulous" shit on them and guys have cars, beer, golf, girls. Maybe the insaciable human need to label everything and put them in boxes has made us blind to real life and the choice of the individual. Is it because it makes it easier for ignorant people to understand, but why do we need to understand everything and dumb down for ignorance, maybe we should put more effort into education then a happy nest of stupidity to make the world easier for idiots to understand.
I respect people that have no fear unbelievable amounts, people that have the courage to stand up and be themselves, wearing clothes that they feel comfortable in. Its not about attention seeking its about being yourself or making people thing about their beliefs and opinions. Chris Crocker may be a world wide joke because of his Britney video but he speaks so much fucking sense.
I respect people that have no fear unbelievable amounts, people that have the courage to stand up and be themselves, wearing clothes that they feel comfortable in. Its not about attention seeking its about being yourself or making people thing about their beliefs and opinions. Chris Crocker may be a world wide joke because of his Britney video but he speaks so much fucking sense.
Gender should go no further then what's in your pants. Its not about what you wear, what you do, what your interests are and how you hold yourself. Think how liberating the world would be without gender, a world with no sexuality, no limits, no prejudice and no conforms of beauty. The world would be all about the individual.
Peace and Love.
Peace and Love.
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