Friday 8 October 2010

Ridin' solooo.

Recently I've discovered the joy of my own company. Sometimes its really lovely to go on adventure alone and I think although humans are social creatures its easy to get into the cycle of only doing things with other people.

This week Ive been taking myself on days out..alone. This started out circumstantial till I decided fuck it and ventured out. The feeling of freedom is unbelievable doing whatever the fuck you like and not having to speak to someone, walk to their pace or even talk.

I suggest you all try it; wack your headphones in, take yourself out to dinner or to the cinema or a one man blaze is always fucking jokes. At the end of the day the only person you can rely on is yourself, friends come and go as do lovers (or just dont even bother turning up in my case) so when thats all over what the fuck are you gonna do then!?

The only person you can rely on is yourself.


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