Thursday 25 November 2010

Suicide Mickey

The story goes a man was reviewing old Disney tapes to make a remastered DVD of vintage Mickey Mouse clips. This particular bit of film was just a piece of loop of Mickey walking down the road to some unusual piano music, originally he decided it was too boring to include in the DVD but decided to upload it to a computer anyway which is when he realised the film was a lot longer on the computer then it was on the film.

After watching it the screen went black for a few minutes but then Mickey returned. The music went from a low moan to a blood curdling scream. Mickeys face turns from dull and lifeless to an evil smirk and the buildings in the background distort in ways that were not possible to acheive in the 1930's when the film was made.

Distressed after watching the footage the man left the room repeating "real suffering is not known." to the security guard. The man grabbed for the gun on the security guards belt and shot himself on the spot.


Love this kind of shit!

Peace and luck (you're gonna need it now)

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