Tuesday 1 February 2011

Top 10 Horror Kid Cuties!

Greetings! As you know I'm obsessed with horror and today I decided to make a list of one of the best devices in horror, spooky kids! The problem I find is that instead of finding them creepy, I just think their so damn adorable. Here is my top 10 list of spooky but cute horror movie kids!

10. Regan McNeil, The Exorcist

I can always tell when a film has disturbed my Mum because she talks about it like some tragic event that actually happened 'why do you like the Exorcist, that poor little girl!' LOL. Well yeah technically she's not cute but any kid that says 'Your Mother sucks cocks in hell!' deserves a place on my list! (or they just live in the estate round the corner.) Regan is HARDCORE projectile puking over priests, fucking herself with a crucifix and before she was even possessed she went around playing with Ouija boards. Shit man, if we were friends, such sick times.

9. Grady Twins, The Shining

"Come play with us Danny!" murdered by their crazy Father and a hatchet there's no denying these girls are CREEPY. Their soft little voices get those hairs on the back of your neck creeping up and make your heart strings tug a little bit. If you ask me Danny missed out on a big oppurtunity there, playing with 2 ghost twins in a haunted hotel!? Fuck yeah! (maybe not forever though and to be fair that tricycle also looked pretty jokes to play on)

8. Mitsuko, Dark Water

I do enjoy a lonely ghost, especially when its a spooky little girl looking for her Mummy. Although she's been dead a long time, probably reeks of decay and kind of resembles a wet turd with a face carved into it she's still pretty cute! Mitsuko is one of those do I feel sorry for her or not ghosties, fair shes a bit of a dick for stealing that girls Mum but all she ever wanted was that red bunny bag and who can blame her it was sick!

7. Danny Glick, Salem's Lot

Vampire education #1; this right here twilight lovers is a REAL vampire. Little Danny Glick did such a great job at his newfound undeadness that he managed to infect pretty much the entire village! Even fooling his own brother Ralphie by tap-tapping and floating about by his window, I guess people think Ralphie is a dumbass to let his dead bro in his room but with Danny's deathly pallour and evil grin how could you not let this cute little vampire kid in to play?

6. Allessa Gillespie, Silent Hill

With a deathly vengence on all those stupid religious folk that burnt her to death (who can blame her really?) this kids imagination is something else. Managing to transform an entire ghost town into her 'darkest dream', well done Allessa, you created something truly beautifal but terrifying. I especially enjoyed her total bloodlust and how she showered herself in the vaginal blood spray of a dying dismembered Christabella. Damn this movie was pretty fucked up!

5. Gage Creed, Pet Sematary

This kid is such a cutie, but after being hit by a truck, getting buried and then reanimating to terrorise his family with a scalpel it just makes you go 'N'aww!' I especially enjoy Jud's murder, you just can't beat a ressurected evil corpse child giving an old man a Chelsea smile.

4. Children of the Damned, Village of the Damned/Children of the Damned

Not all immaculate coneceptions involve Jesus and christmas prezzies, in fact these kids stood for quite the opposite. Emotionless, telepathic, the children can control people to kill themselves and each other through their spooky glowy white eyes. They've also got style, not only do they always look sharp, in the sequel they decide to use an abandoned church as their headquarters!

3. Karen Cooper, Night of the Living Dead.

The classic 'spooky kid'. Let's face it, everyone LOVES a zombie and Karen was one of the originals. When she arose from death in that famous basement to eat her Father's flesh it was just pure horror movie gold. And of course you've got to give her credit for her creativity, a trowel as a deadly weapon? Nice one Karen you were one clever zombie!

2. Toshio, The Grudge

This little dude is the cat's miaow! (couldnt resist that one) Although most peoples reaction to him is 'ARGH!' mine is a heartfelt 'AW!' I love his moody little face, his sunken in eyes and he's wearing enough eye shadow to outdo a 12 year old Claires accesories punk. Always following around that mysterious black cat, although they both met an untimely end him and his Mum make a very proffesional haunting team and I'm sure they had a sick time scaring the shit out of anyone that enters that amazing house (I want it).

1. Thomás, The Orphanage

There are 2 types of horror kid, the pure evil ones and the ones that just want a friend! This little boy made my heart melt the first time I saw the Orphanage running around playing hide and seek with the owners of the house. I think its that little mask, kinda makes him look related to the sack dude out of the strangers. Definately not one of the best horror movies, but is he possibly the cutest ghost kid ever?

Peace and spooky fun!

Friday 31 December 2010

Have you ever...

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

Have you ever mistook obsession for love?

Have you ever used your hoodie to hide your feelings?

Have you ever felt the most fucked when you were sober?

Have you ever forced yourself to smile?

Have you ever felt your heart drop?

Have you ever got lost on purpose?

Have you ever forgotten how to interact with people?

Have you ever hidden in a dark room?

Have you ever wanted to delete yourself?

Thursday 25 November 2010

Suicide Mickey

The story goes a man was reviewing old Disney tapes to make a remastered DVD of vintage Mickey Mouse clips. This particular bit of film was just a piece of loop of Mickey walking down the road to some unusual piano music, originally he decided it was too boring to include in the DVD but decided to upload it to a computer anyway which is when he realised the film was a lot longer on the computer then it was on the film.

After watching it the screen went black for a few minutes but then Mickey returned. The music went from a low moan to a blood curdling scream. Mickeys face turns from dull and lifeless to an evil smirk and the buildings in the background distort in ways that were not possible to acheive in the 1930's when the film was made.

Distressed after watching the footage the man left the room repeating "real suffering is not known." to the security guard. The man grabbed for the gun on the security guards belt and shot himself on the spot.


Love this kind of shit!

Peace and luck (you're gonna need it now)

Thursday 28 October 2010

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Friday 8 October 2010

Ridin' solooo.

Recently I've discovered the joy of my own company. Sometimes its really lovely to go on adventure alone and I think although humans are social creatures its easy to get into the cycle of only doing things with other people.

This week Ive been taking myself on days out..alone. This started out circumstantial till I decided fuck it and ventured out. The feeling of freedom is unbelievable doing whatever the fuck you like and not having to speak to someone, walk to their pace or even talk.

I suggest you all try it; wack your headphones in, take yourself out to dinner or to the cinema or a one man blaze is always fucking jokes. At the end of the day the only person you can rely on is yourself, friends come and go as do lovers (or just dont even bother turning up in my case) so when thats all over what the fuck are you gonna do then!?

The only person you can rely on is yourself.
